Our Officers

Our Officers...

Our officers be they, Directors, Trustees, Officers be the role paid or voluntary ensure:

1. Fiduciary Responsibility

Directors, Trustees, and Officers must act in the best interests of Artansa, ensuring the organisation's financial stability and adherence to legal and ethical standards.

2. Transparency

Open and transparent communication is essential. Directors, Trustees, and Officers should share relevant information with the community and each other, fostering a culture of trust.

3. Conflict of Interest

Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed and managed appropriately. Directors, Trustees, and Officers should recuse themselves from decisions where personal interests may conflict with the interests of Artansa.

4. Upholding the Mission and Values

Directors, Trustees, and Officers should actively work towards achieving Artansa's mission and upholding its values. Their decisions and actions should align with the organisation's goals.

5. Legal Compliance

Directors, Trustees, and Officers must ensure that Artansa operates within the bounds of the law. This includes compliance with tax regulations, intellectual property laws, and any other relevant legal requirements.

6. Professional Conduct

Directors, Trustees, and Officers are expected to exhibit professionalism in their interactions with members, stakeholders, and each other. Respectful and ethical behaviour is paramount.

7. Strategic Vision

Directors and Trustees should contribute to the strategic vision of Artansa. This involves actively participating in discussions, providing insights, and making decisions that align with the organisation's long-term goals.

8. Financial Oversight

Officers with financial responsibilities should exercise diligence in overseeing Artansa's financial activities, ensuring accuracy, transparency, and accountability in financial reporting.

9. Collaboration and Teamwork

Directors, Trustees, and Officers should foster a collaborative and inclusive environment within the leadership team. Encouraging teamwork and effective communication is vital for organisational success.

10. Continuous Improvement

Leaders should actively seek ways to improve Artansa's operations, governance, and impact. Embracing a culture of continuous improvement contributes to the organisation's long-term success.

11. Professional Development

Ideally Directors, Trustees, and Officers should invest in their professional development to stay informed about best practices, industry trends, and relevant skills that benefit Artansa.

Violations of these rules by Directors, Trustees, and Officers may result in consequences such as warnings, suspension, or removal from their role, depending on the severity and repetition of the offense.

These guidelines are designed to ensure effective leadership and the ethical governance of Artansa.

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